Nutram Total Grain-Free T29 Holistik bezzernovy dog food of small breeds with a lamb and T29 lentil the Recipe with a lamb and lentil. Bezzernova. Dlya of adult dogs and puppies of small breeds. Powerful sources of vegetable protein (orach, lentil, chick-pea) help to create a good muscular skeleton and to load an organism with energy of life of Soderzhit only lamb, there are no fish or Korens chicken of chicory promotes growth of natural intestinal bacteria, and the pumpkin rich with cellulose promotes natural careful digestion of 100% without cereal holistik a forage. Ne the Lamb + the Orach for strong muscular contains potatoes, corn, soy, tapioca, wheat a skeleton the TykvaBogatyy source of the soft fibers promoting good digestion. Obespechivayet organism valuable cellulose. Koren a tsikoriyaistochnik of inulin (frukto-oligosaccharides or FOS), prebiotic to which fibers well stimulate activity of useful bacteria and promote healthy digestion, by stimulation of growth of useful bacteria in a stomach. YagnenokIstochnik of quality protein which provides an organism with necessary amino acids for strengthening of muscles. The high-acquired protein, is also an excellent source of the irreplaceable fatty acids, vitamins and minerals necessary for development of muscles, conditions of wool and energy. Excellent taste which pets love also careful for digestive system. To LebedaVsa more and more popular food product there is an orach, but not grain! Semyon of an orach do not contain gluten, but contain the high level of protein and also it is rich with nutrients and has the low glycemic index. Often called a super-product, the orach is very acquired source of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin E, folic acid and beta carotene. An orach also excellent source of protein because of its optimum maintenance of a full profile of amino acids. date editing description: 10.09.2021
Nutram Total Grain-Free T29 Holistic Grain-Free Small Breed Dog Food with Lamb and Lentils
- Product Code: MX24982
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